

Philanthropy helps Penn State and Penn Staters to impact the world

"A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence" concluded on June 30, raising more than $2.2 billion for the three key imperatives of a modern land-grant institution: opening the doors of higher education to students from every background; creating transformative experiences for both students and citizens; and impacting the larger world through research, 外展及服务. 而近844美元.5 million raised for the last imperative advanced a wide range of priorities across the University, the campaign focused attention on three opportunities for impact: economic development, 资源安全, 人类健康.

University Libraries to observe World Standards Week with Oct. 12日事件

In observance of the American National Standard Institute’s World Standards Week in October, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜 Libraries is planning an afternoon of activities Oct. 12 with the theme “Imagine a World Without Standards.” The event will focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which project to address social imbalances, develop a sustainable economy and slow the rate of climate change.
A group of students in front of the Capitol building in Washington, DC

International, domestic students visit D.C. 全球参与之旅

Penn State students visited Washington, D.C. the weekend of April 1-3 as part of a trip planned by the 全球 订婚 Team within Penn State 全球. The student group was a diverse mixture of students from across the commonwealth, with 30 domestic students and 145 international students representing 31 countries.
A large group of students standing on steps in front of the 宾西法尼亚 Memorial

International, domestic students explore Gettysburg battlefields

十月星期六. 9, a group of students traveled to the historical battlefields of Gettysburg. This in and of itself is not a unique experience; the battlefields see thousands of visitors each year, 其中许多是学校团体. What made this experience unique was the makeup of the students. Over 100 students from seven Penn State campuses signed up for this tour, 他们大多数是国际学生. They were accompanied by students from a 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 course titled HIST 161: Gettysburg in History and Memory.
宾州州立TLT运营团队 Award winners standing in front of a screen

Penn State IT awarded the 2019 Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) Advantage Contributors Institutional Leadership Award at the IMS 全球 Learning 影响 Institute in San Diego

Penn State IT awarded the 2019 Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) Advantage Contributors Institutional Leadership Award at the IMS 全球 Learning 影响 Institute in San Diego on May 23, 2019. Pictured (left to right): Tony Anderson, Penn State learning tools and learning management system manager, TLT director of operations Terry O’Heron, and learning tools project manager Kristen Lytle at the IMS 全球 Learning 影响 Institute in San Diego.